Orange County VT Addiction Treatment Hotline

Orange County, Vermont substance abuse addiction resources, help lines and hotlines, call for free, confidential support

Orange County VT Substance Use Helpline

The Vermont Treatment Hotline is available 24 hours a day for those who require immediate assistance and wish to learn more about available treatment options. In addition to discussing potential next actions for you or a loved one, everything   discussed is confidential, and our staff will provide treatment options for alcoholism, drug abuse, opioid disorders, and other substance dependence. This could come in the form of treatment recommendations, emergency crisis support & intervention, or we could just point you in the direction of substance abuse treatment facilities located in the Orange County, VT area. In danger or need immediate medical attention? Call 911 Now.

Call Now for Confidential Assessment

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Substance abuse statistics in Orange County, VT

Orange County, VT, like many other regions in the United States, has been impacted by substance abuse and addiction[1]. The National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) provides estimates of substance use and mental illness at the national, state, and substate levels[2]. According to the NSDUH, in 2019, an estimated 9.3% of Orange County adults reported using illicit drugs in the past month[3]. This rate is slightly higher than the state average of 8.7% and the national average of 9.7%[4]. While the rates of substance abuse in Orange County may not be significantly higher than other areas, substance abuse remains a significant concern for the community.

The NSDUH data also provide insight into the most commonly abused substances in Orange County. In 2019, the most commonly used illicit drugs in Orange County were marijuana, prescription pain relievers, and cocaine[4]. Of particular concern is the high rate of opioid use in Vermont, which has been identified as a public health crisis[5]. Prescription opioid misuse and heroin use have contributed to a significant increase in overdose deaths in the state, including Orange County[6]. The impact of substance abuse on individuals, families, and communities cannot be overstated, and addressing this issue requires a multifaceted approach.

The impact of substance abuse extends beyond individuals and families and can have a significant impact on communities as a whole[2]. Substance abuse can lead to increased healthcare costs, decreased productivity, and increased crime rates[7]. The Orange County Drugs and Alcohol Report highlights the need for increased prevention efforts, early intervention, and access to treatment for those struggling with substance abuse[8]. By addressing substance abuse at the community level, Orange County can work towards reducing the negative impact of substance abuse on its residents and promoting a healthier, safer community for all.

orange county vt addiction treatment resources


  1. Drug Addiction and Treatment Statistics for Orange County …. (n.d.) Retrieved December 14, 2023, from
  2. National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH). (n.d.) Retrieved December 14, 2023, from
  3. Addiction, Substance Abuse Plague Orange County …. (n.d.) Retrieved December 14, 2023, from
  4. 2019 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) …. (n.d.) Retrieved December 14, 2023, from
  5. Alcohol & Drugs | Vermont Department of Health. (n.d.) Retrieved December 14, 2023, from
  6. Drug & Alcohol Overdose Hospitalization & Death in …. (n.d.) Retrieved December 14, 2023, from
  7. Mental Health and Substance Use. (n.d.) Retrieved December 14, 2023, from
  8. Substance Abuse Statistics for Orange County. (n.d.) Retrieved December 14, 2023, from

Orange County, VT Substance Abuse Treatment & Drug Addiction Hotlines and Resources

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United Way Orange County VT

At the United Way in Orange County VT, Granite United Way is a nonprofit organization that makes strategic investments in our community that help others Learn, Earn and Be Healthy. Granite United Way has the expertise, trust, and scope to bring together stakeholders like local nonprofits, government, businesses, private foundations, and volunteers with the common goal of delivering total community impact. Granite United Way believes that every one of us has the power to be a change agent. We are committed to removing barriers and creating opportunities for people to make a positive impact in our community. We work closely with volunteer leadership to invest donor dollars to help our community Learn, Earn and Be Healthy. By focusing on these investment initiatives, we are helping people in new and strategic ways.

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Orange County VT Parent Survey

Clara Martin Center was founded as one of ten mental health agencies organized by Vermont Statue developed in 1966. Our roots stem from local clergy and social service professionals who saw a need for supportive counseling services in the community as an alternative to placement of persons at the Vermont State Hospital. The Substance Use & Criminal Justice Programs help individuals address the impacts that substance use or criminogenic behavior has had in their lives, and enhance one’s ability to make healthier and safer decisions regarding their substance use. The goal of Recovery Group is to enhance relapse prevention skills and broaden client understanding of recovery as a lifestyle change.

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Area 70 AA Orange County VT

Our District 4 AA website is neither approved nor endorsed by Vermont Area 70 or Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. It is provided solely as a public information tool for District 4 of Area 70 to display information about Alcoholics Anonymous in District 4. The District IV meeting is held at the Universalist Church 19 Church St, Barre and via zoom on the first Thursday of the month (except July) at 6:30 PM.